Tight organisation
DEBx Medical is a young company that, in addition to a revolutionary product, also has a revolutionary approach, says Bert. “We have attracted young people, who are able to put the organisation on a firm footing. One of the things that make us stand out in the medical sector is the online order portal. We no longer want Excel sheets and full mailboxes. It’s 2021 and we like to work flawlessly and efficiently. That is why we have opted for automation.”
Certification for Debrichem
The start-up company first had Salesforce implemented in order to properly set up Customer Relations. This system includes the complex option of being able to indicate certification per country. Automating this process was a chore, but once Debrichem had been admitted to the European market, it was easy to register this in Salesforce. “This specific process in Salesforce saves us a lot of time, now that we have also applied for market approval for Hong Kong, America, and various countries in South America and Asia. Our regulatory officer is very pleased with this and can now easily add the distributors to the system. In addition, our legal officer can incorporate all the legal requirements in the agreements in Salesforce.”
Simple ordering
Next, the OrderCentral application was linked to the Salesforce CRM. Bert: “This automates the order process. The customer can order the product there, but can also view all kinds of extra material, such as product presentations and training materials. When the Debrichem product is sold on a large scale, the platform will function as a webshop.” In time, DEBx Medical plans to add more products to its product range. These, too, will be easily incorporated into OrderCentral.
“We want to be transparent and Salesforce supports that. We share all files, presentations, and training materials with our distributors and customers via Salesforce.”
The company DEBx Medical
DEBx Medical is a Dutch medical technology company that develops, manufactures, and markets the revolutionary product Debrichem. The company:
- Received the market approval for Debrichem already in several parts of the world.
- Works from a small team in Rotterdam, with distributors all over the world.
- Wants a unified, automated approach to order processing and customer contact, to reduce the pressure on the organisation.
The Debrichem product
Debrichem heals chronic wounds in a revolutionary way. Three international scientists – a physician, chemistry professor, and biomedical technologist – developed Debrichem and demonstrated its effectiveness. The most important facts:
- 1-2% of the population in developed countries suffer from chronic wounds.
- Worldwide, the cost of caring for chronic wounds will reach about USD 16 billion in the next six years.
- In 78% of chronic wounds, a biofilm is present which prevents the wound from healing.
- It takes 60 seconds for the medical device Debrichem to remove inflammation from a chronic wound and initiate healing.
The challenge
DEBx Medical wants a unified, automated approach to order processing and customer contact, in order to reduce the pressure on the organisation. The most important requirements of DEBx Medical are:
- Clear insight into the customer base and easy customer contact.
- Processing orders and queries quickly and without errors.
- Unambiguous communication and knowledge sharing towards distributors and customers.
- A scalable system, because of the expected growth in distributors, orders, and employees.
- Prevent accounting errors, including easily working with the wide variety of tax rules worldwide.
“All colleagues who use Salesforce see the benefits. It is even said: shouldn’t we have done that sooner?”
The solution – Salesforce
In order to properly manage contacts with customers and distributors, Salesforce CRM was implemented.
- The CRM from Salesforce offers DEBx Medical exactly what they need. All customers and distributors are clearly listed and tasks can be prioritised.
- The status of each customer is visible and the file can be easily viewed during contact.
- Customer queries come in via Salesforce and can also be answered there.
- In order to be able to easily register in which countries the Debrichem product has been admitted to the market, a specific functionality was built into Salesforce.
For a uniform, automated approach to order processing, DEBx Medical chose OrderCentral and Welisa did the implementation.
- OrderCentral is a B2B order selling application on the Salesforce system.
- Customers simply place their orders online in OrderCentral.
- In OrderCentral all orders and stocks are listed.
- Local distributors will find all the necessary files, presentations, and training materials in the OrderCentral knowledge base.
- OrderCentral is scalable and can be given a webshop function so that nothing will stand in the way of DEBx Medical’s substantial growth.
The results
Thanks to the implementation of Salesforce and the application OrderCentral, DEBx Medical keeps overview and saves a lot of time.
- The young company can use its manpower more efficiently because many business processes have been automated.
- DEBx Medical can serve customers and distributors better and faster and provide unambiguous information.
- DEBx Medical’s regulatory officer can add all the countries where Debrichem is authorised in Salesforce and make sure the right distributors are connected. He ensures that all administration is in order before the product is sold.
- DEBx Medical’s legal officer can manage all agreements in Salesforce and set up the legal requirements properly.
- DEBx Medical can easily process orders, manage stock and answer questions.
- Various checks and balances in the system ensure that DEBx Medical can process orders without error.
The future
DEBx Medical has big plans and wants to sell Debrichem all over the world.
- As it grows, DEBx OrderCentral can customise more and more. Examples are automatic triggers to remind DEBx Medical of required actions and automatic sending of invoices.
- When the company launches new products, they can easily be added to the webshop.
- Additional features can also be activated. Such as the Service Cloud – which provides more insight into the customer – and the Marketing Cloud, which helps with cross-selling and up-selling.